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June 3, two-record "Hundred Days" Sprint National Physical Fitness Campaign - 2010 National Physical Fitness to conduct spot checks in our company.
Sports National Physical Fitness is a basic system of work. Annual monitoring of a physical, physical fitness test designed by the people, according to test scores for physical science, comprehensive analysis, evaluation results and all the people exercise state constitution, urging people to actively participate in physical training, guidance on scientific sports training, will greatly increase the National Physical Fitness.
The physical test using automatic measuring devices, 20 to 69 years age groups for physical monitoring. Take the test included height, chest circumference, weight, vital capacity, hand grip, pull, sit and reach, responsiveness, independent leg with eyes closed, Teng terraces. 20 projects through the full range of testing, so that everyone on their physical condition got the picture about to establish a correct fitness Guan, more scientific, targeted participation in physical fitness exercises. (Union Wenyu Dan)
Teng-step test
Independent testing one leg with eyes closed
Responsiveness test
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