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To create a warm and harmonious atmosphere of humane care, guidance and help women to establish a new concept of healthy living, all-round women workers to improve physical fitness, the morning of April 1, the company Women Committee in the auditorium in the company held a theme of "women's health concerns, improve the quality of life "health lectures.
The lecture, invited Shaanxi Wanan Pharmaceutical experienced instructors with extensive clinical characteristics of women, women as well as basic physiological characteristics of how the various stages of maintenance errors and other issues which should be noted, were detailed, so that everyone on women health, health care and the prevention and treatment of common diseases such as women's knowledge has a more profound understanding and awareness.
Women who have said: With the increasingly rapid pace of modern life, work and life of women in terms of increasing pressure, and only carry out a health education and health so that women understand the meaning of the right to make work more smoothly, life better.
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