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February 1, Haoyuan Group retired workers forum was held in the conference room # 1, The forum was chaired by Deputy Party Secretary Li Jizhong. Retired workers' representatives to participate in the meeting.
Forum, deputy party secretary Li Jizhong first introduced to the retired workers' representative of the development of the company in recent years and the aerospace furnace engineering construction of key projects. Retired workers of the company leadership to lead all employees innovative mechanisms to forge ahead the work achieved results and honor, pleased and excited; and on how to improve the family area of infrastructure construction, improve the welfare of retired workers, rich the Amateur cultural life of the retired workers, etc. pertinent comments or suggestions.
Li Jizhong, deputy party secretary of the retired workers had to express my deep respect and appreciation for the contribution made by the company! He said that the leadership of the company will, as always, concerned about the retired workers, retired workers to solve the practical difficulties encountered in life is an important part of the company's day-to-day work of the comments and suggestions raised, the company leadership must seriously study and implement, for retired workers to worry about!
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