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Remember, in November last year, the fertilizer market was particularly popular with a set of lyrics: "nitrogen is growling, phosphorus is barking, potassium is laughing, calcium is jumping, magnesium is roaring, boron is high."! The freight is floating! Fertilizer price hike! Winter fast, fertilizer to early delivery!" This year the fertilizer market seems to more crazy than last year, the continuous rise in commodity prices, driven by environmental pressures continue to increase, the price of urea into the sky, P and K followed, compound fertilizer price drift, so the compound fertilizer in 2107 winter storage how to operate?
First of all, compound fertilizer enterprises are in a dilemma. At the beginning of November, according to incomplete survey Chinese fertilizer network, currently stored for the winter collection action of the most compound fertilizer enterprises is still relatively slow, especially in the Central Plains market started more quietly, fall fat just ended, just downstream of buying autumn fertilizer, no fertilizer reserves of winter idle funds, so slow the progress of preparing fertilizer. But the winter action in Northeast China this year than in previous years earlier than a few dealers have started a small amount of reserves and money. Over the past two months, raw material prices continued to rise, the cost of compound fertilizer enterprises continue to increase, in the face of this situation, the majority of compound fertilizer enterprises winter storage price has been reluctant to introduce, because on the one hand is the pre cheap raw materials use completely, did not dare to buy expensive raw materials, raw material shortage, quote without law; on the other hand is worried about the high price the preparation of fertilizer would frustrate downstream enthusiasm for the bid is too low, so suffered cost pressures, most enterprises still adopt the old policy unchanged for years?? money interest not pricing.
Secondly, the long-term growth of raw materials can continue, the compound fertilizer enterprises are still watching. Recently, only a few enterprises in stages and introduced winter storage factory price, but because of the rising price of raw materials, price is also rising in winter followed, for example 45% sulfur based compound fertilizer station northeast winter storage offer by August and September 2080 yuan / ton, rose to 2160 yuan / ton, to the rose 2220 yuan / ton, the total increase of 140 yuan / ton, while the material gains relatively strong, but compared with compound fertilizer price increase is not large, so if the raw materials continue to rise, this year's winter storage compound fertilizer offer will be uplifted, but also believe that the market, high price at present, the downstream already is unacceptable, so the recent downstream preparation fertilizer action will be shelved, many dealers look forward to meeting some indication of phosphate compound, and then consider whether to continue the winter.
Finally, some enterprises in Northeast China are rich in raw materials and short of cost in the short term. After a recent survey Chinese fertilizer network reporter found that most of the northeast of compound fertilizer enterprises have not yet introduced Dongchu offer, only individual enterprises phased introduction of the buyout price, limit orders, but it is understood that the Northeast local large compound fertilizer and mixed fertilizer enterprise raw material reserves is adequate for early - the raw materials, so the recent rise in raw material prices on the cost pressure is not great, but for the pursuit of profit maximization, in the premise of the chemical fertilizer market "up" a sound under that compound fertilizer stored in winter this year will be the mainstream price rising.
Overall, the short term fertilizer market demand is relatively light, the price rising with the raw material prices, the price of winter storage has been revealed, later will continue the rally, but also pay close attention to the trend of raw material prices, environmental protection and the downstream demand situation.
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