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This year, the supply of fertilizer in spring ploughing has two major problems, such as tight local supply and high price of fertilizer, which is expected to be the most severe year in recent years.
Since 2017, due to the shortage of raw materials such as coal, natural gas and phosphate rock and the accelerated withdrawal process of chemical fertilizer, the operation rate of fertilizer industry has been at a low level, and the output has decreased year by year. According to the statistics of National Bureau of statistics, the total production of 57 million 509 thousand tons of chemical fertilizer in 2017 1~11 was 4%, which decreased by 4% compared with the same period last year, especially the reduction of nitrogen fertilizer. The output of nitrogen and urea was 35 million 633 thousand tons and 28 million 212 thousand tons, respectively, which decreased by 8% and 11.8% respectively. According to the monitoring, the average output price of domestic urea, diammonium, potassium chloride and compound fertilizer increased by 34%, 17.7%, 6.7% and 17.1% respectively in December 2017.
In the spring and off-season reserves of chemical fertilizers "reservoir" and "ballast" role for our national economic and Trade Commission, and the Ministry of economic construction Department officially launched the bidding work, 5 million 500 thousand tons of light storage tasks in two batches (3 million tons and 2 million 500 thousand tons), the first batch of 3 million tons of light storage tasks after signing perform tasks into the reservoir, the second batch of 2 million 500 thousand tons of light storage tasks signed an agreement of intent. The termination time of the two batch of storage tasks is April 2018, and the specific termination time of each storage enterprise is determined according to geographical area and crop season fertilizer requirement. The chemical fertilizer production and circulation enterprises with corresponding qualifications may bid and encourage the production and circulation enterprises to form a joint body to undertake the light storage task.
In the first place, the first place is to guarantee the production of chemical fertilizer. The increase in output can not only be effectively guaranteed by the amount of fertilizer, but also to keep the price of chemical fertilizer at a reasonable level.
In the late heating season, more efforts should be made to ensure the supply of natural gas and coal for chemical fertilizer production and the stability of the price. Since November last year, due to a large increase in demand for civil gas, a large area of gas head urea plant was stopped, and the daily production of urea in the country was reduced to less than 130 thousand tons. Industry insiders said that in the heating season natural gas remains a priority protection of civil, at present gas from urea to resume production is unlikely; late in the heating season, fertilizer gas will take precedence over other industrial gases are protected, when the head will be a wide range of urea production recovery.
In addition, the chemical fertilizer and coal production enterprises that allow the discharge of the pollutants to be discharged will start production normally and improve the supply of chemical fertilizer. In the earlier period of Shanxi and Hebei, the limit of urea production was limited, and the maximum start load was not more than 70%. It is expected that the start rate of the coal head chemical fertilizer enterprises will rise.
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