China's Fertilizer Series Price Index overall fell on January 14
Time:2019-01-24 Read:587second
On January 14, China's urea wholesale price index (CNPI) was 1997.47.
_ring fell 16.52 points, or 0.82%.
_rose 10.44 points, or 0.53%, from the same period last year.
The biki period rose 134.22 points, or 7.20%.
_On January 14, China Urea Retail Price Index (CNRI) was 2133.64 points.
_ring fell 11.27 points, or 0.53%;
_rose 55.17 points, or 2.65% over the same period last year.
The biki period rose 228.68 points, or 12.00%.
On January 14, the wholesale price index (CPPI) of diammonium phosphate in China was 2928.29 points.
_ring fell 2.82 points, or 0.10%;
_rose 95.35 points, or 3.37%, from the same period last year.
The biquity period fell 293.48 points, or 9.11%.
_On January 14, China's retail price index of diammonium phosphate (CPRI) was 3 027.98 points.
_Ring fell 3.24 points, or 0.11% over the previous year.
_rose 74.36 points, or 2.52%, over the same period last year.
_-Biki period fell 193.79 points, or 6.01%.
On January 14, the Wholesale Price Index of Potassium Chloride in China (CKPI) was 2321.33 points.
_ring fell 5.65 points, or 0.24%;
Ao-tao rose 263.39 points, or 12.80%, over the same period last year.
The biki period fell 969.26 points, or 29.46%.
On January 14, the China Composite Fertilizer Wholesale Price Index (CFCI) was 2254.81 points.
_ring fell 11.72 points, or 0.52%;
_rose 68.54 points, or 3.14%, over the same period last year.
Biquity period rose 53.77 points, or 2.20%.
_On January 14, the retail price index (CCRI) of compound fertilizers in China was 2500.48 points
_ring fell 18.07 points, or 0.72%;
_rose 73.62 points, or 3.03%, over the same period last year.
_Biki period rose 71.84 points, an increase of 2.94%.
_On January 14, China's Urea Export Price Index (CNEI) was 1930.09.
_ring fell 37.86 points, or 1.92%;
_fell 13.52 points, or 0.70%, from the same period last year.
_-Biki period rose 71.09 points, an increase of 3.82%.