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Haoyuan Company's Party Committee launches July 1st themed Party Day activities
Time:2024-07-08   Read:109second  

In order to deepen the study and education of party history, inherit the red spirit, adhere to the original aspiration and mission, and further strengthen the ideals and beliefs of party members and cadres, on July 5th, the party committee of Haoyuan Company organized some party members and active party applicants from various party branches to carry out the theme party day activity of "Reviewing Red Memories, Inheriting Revolutionary Spirit", and receive education on red revolutionary traditions.

At the Martyrs Cemetery in the hinterland of the Dabie Mountains, which is known as "eight parts of mountains and waters, one part of fields, half of roads, and half of estates", everyone faces the red party flag, revisits the oath of joining the party, and presents flower baskets to mourn the martyrs who sacrificed for the Chinese revolution and rest here. Subsequently, at the Dabie Mountain Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall, commentators led party members to revisit revolutionary history and pay tribute to revolutionary martyrs with simple and simple language, rich and detailed historical materials, and ups and downs of stories.
By paying tribute to the Martyrs Memorial, visiting the Martyrs Memorial Hall, and revisiting the revolutionary history, the vast number of Party members will remember that today's happy life is hard won, adhere to the ideal belief of "never forget the original intention, remember the mission, and always follow the Party", and integrate the spirit of revolutionary predecessors into daily work. Party members who participated in the activity expressed their firm political stance, courage to innovate, and willingness to take responsibility, and will practice their Party member mission with practical actions, contributing to the consolidation of the stable development of the group company.


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